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WHAT MAKES A WOMAN “BEAUTIFUL” …………1 PETER 03 VS 03-05............................

do not let your adornment be merely outward, arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. For this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves…..1 peter 3; 3-5a

Beautiful. It’s a powerful word, one not thrown around as frivolously as hot, pretty or any of the hundreds of words we’ve come to describe women, debasing their worth to nothing more than the symmetry of their face and the fullness of their lips.
It’s a word that holds power and prestige far beyond that of any other adjective. It’s a sacred word, one kept for those who truly can’t be described any other way.
It’s a word that chases women to plastic surgery and extreme diets. It’s the base of all women’s desires and lifelong struggles. But isn’t beautiful about so much more than looks? Isn’t it in that extra thing — that thing that makes a woman beautiful instead of hot?
A Beautiful person, the dictionary tells us, is one who “is delightful to the senses.” But whose senses? Here is one reason why famine beauty is so hard to define.”Beauty “depends on who is looking at it.
            There are two kinds of women that men turn to stare at; one is the spectacle, the vision, the production job. They admire her. But they wouldn’t feel comfortable with her munching apples beside a fire. The other kind is a girl who has natural loveliness, is friendly, and looks like the kind of girl who will be more fun to be with.

            Harmony of feature is essential to beauty, but it is only the starting point. I meet ladies everyday by every standard of measurement, looking gorgeous. They walk as if they are riding a horse, their voices are shrill, and their minds are shallow.

             A beautiful girl has an inner glow. Real beauty comes from within. Beauty is, but skin deep, this is so true. To my mind a woman cannot be beautiful unless she is living to the full, is harmoniously developing all her potentialities, has complete self –confidence, knows why she is a woman by being respectful, calm, smiles and  acknowledge or appreciate people without deluding them, even no matter her position and has achieved an effortless coordination of mind and body.

             I have a grudge against Hollywood make-up men; they wring the naturalness out of a girl and then create a “screen personality” by building sex and attractiveness into her. But the worst fault of most women is that they copy styles of hair dos and make- ups they see on other women they consider beautiful, without regard to how these styles will look on them.


True beauty then involves those unique qualities that characterize the image of God. Peter suggests

 There is nothing exclusive about beauty. It is within potentialities of almost any girl who is not a freak. If a girl has an appealing personality she doesn’t need any perfect features to be beautiful. One or two features are enough if everything else is built around them.  Eg respect and humility.

The first thing any woman should do is to decide what general type she is and style herself accordingly. In what type of grooming does she fell most at ease, most self-confident? That is probably where she looks best; and she should not try to be a glamour gal in some other field.
Here are certain features that most truly beautiful women have in common: a glow of health; lustrous hair; soft, modulated voice; easy, confident stride and erect carriage; radiant personality; intellectual curiosity; integrity and stability of character; complete self assurance and naturalness.

She knows how to talk

There’s nothing worse than a woman who doesn’t know how to use her mouth. A woman who knows how to speak her mind intelligently, who can captivate you with her words and opinions proves that there is nothing more beautiful than intelligence. Smart is sexy and words have the power to turn any girl into the woman of your dreams.

She’s open

Beautiful women do not limit themselves. They are open to new ideas, places and people. They do not shy away from things because of stigmas and fear, they are beautiful in their boldness and their open minds.

She bends over backwards

Is there anything more beautiful than selflessness? Beauty is found in those who care about more than just themselves.
A truly beautiful woman is compassionate and caring; she will never hesitate to blow her cover by showing that she cares. Hot girls play with your heart, beautiful girls mend it.

Her passions define her more than her looks

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with passion. A girl who gets excited about things, lives for things and holds things close to her heart is a girl worth knowing.
She’s the girl you’d rather talk to in bed than take to bed. Because passion is contagious and watching someone get excited about something is the most beautiful quality you can find in someone.

She’s got soul

There is such a thing as people with ugly souls and we’ve all met at least one person who proves it. A beautiful woman radiates not because of her tinted moisturizer or glossy hair, but because of that something inside her that just makes you want to be near her.
People who have “beautiful” exteriors can begin to look ugly after you get to know them, while someone with a somewhat “average” face can become the most beautiful person you know, proving that beauty isn’t just a facade, but an iridescent quality that is not solely dependent on one’s gene pool.
It’s the quality that elevates a woman from just hot or sexy. It’s in the way she walks, talks and presents herself. It’s the way she radiates from the inside, out. It’s her soul and her spark and that thing you just can’t put your finger on.
It might be the girl you don’t notice at first, the one who doesn’t always stand out. It’s the girl you need to get to know, whose beauty becomes more defined with every conversation, every glance. It’s a word that describes women who can’t be classified as just hot.
God bless you as you go out and be the beautiful woman...He [GOD] wants you to be…..!!
This is what makes a woman beautiful…………………………………..!!!!


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