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We’ve all been hurt. You can’t be an adult — or teen — alive today who hasn’t experienced some kind of emotional pain. Letting go can be hard because it means letting go of aspects of your past - aspect of you . It also means letting go of your expectations of how things have been . Letting go hints of being wrong or allowing someone else to be right (when you know that what they did was wrong). It hurts. I get that. But what you  do  with that hurt is probably  more important  than the hurt itself. Would you prefer to get back to being an active liver of life? Or do you prefer to ruminate endlessly about the past and something that cannot be changed? In short, how do you let go of past hurts and move on? Let’s find out… Blaming others for our hurt is what most of us start off doing. Somebody did something wrong, or they wronged us in some way that mattered to us. We want them to apologize. We want them to acknowledge what they did was  wrong or we may want them back.


What is true prayer? What does it mean to truly pray? How is your prayer life? How to pray according to the will of God? PRAYER is simply our interaction or communion with God. A solemn request for help or expression of thanks to God . In Matthew 6 verse 9 to 14 Jesus Christ taught his disciples how to pray the right prayer to God. The four types of prayer every Christian must know. Adoration - praising God Contrition - Asking for God's forgiveness Petition - Asking God for favor Thanksgiving - Showing God gratitude . The Lord's prayer is also called the model prayer. We are going to learn different methods of simple prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. PRAY method . P - praise Start your prayers by first praising the Lord. Exalt Him,  adore Him for who He is and his greatness. Matthe w 6 verse 9 R - repentance After praising God for who He is,  you must then repent of your sins by confessing  to God for any mistake or sin in your life which hinders your pra


            A person's temperament is formed as an infant and never changes. It simply develops over time as you mature and grow, to make you who you are. Studies have shown that temperament does not change but remains constant. THERE ARE FOUR MAIN TYPES OF TEMPERAMENTS TEMPERAMENT TYPES Sanguine (enthusiastic, active, and social) Choleric (short-tempered, fast, and irritable) Melancholic (analytical, wise, and quiet) Phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful). Psychologists recognize four primary temperament types. The names of the types were originally  names of humor in more distant times . It was believed that humor caused people to behave in certain ways. Although science has refuted the existence of humor in that fashion, the names of the four temperament types stuck. It is possible, in fact likely, that someone will have both primary and secondary temperament types. A person can have any combination of the temperament types to make up their overall personality. Th


What are 49 Ways to Love God and Others? WHAT ARE THE 49 WAYS TO LOVE GOD AND OTHERS?  The theme of all scripture is to love God with all of our hearts and might and also to love one another. (READ MATTHEW 22 : 40 AND JOHN 13 : 34) 1. REPENT  - Matthew 4 : 17 - HUMILITY  2. FOLLOW ME - Matthew 4 : 19 - MEEKNESS  3. REJOICE - Matthew 5 : 12 - Joyfulness  4. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE - Matthew 5 : 16- GENEROSITY  5. HONOR GOD'S LAW - Matthew 5 : 17&18 - LOVE 6. BE RECONCILED - Matthew 5 : 24-25 - RESPONSIBILITY  7. DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY - Mathew 5:29-30 - SELF CONTROL  8. KEEP YOUR WORD - Matthew 5:37 - TRUTHFULNESS  9. GO THE SECOND MILE - Matthew 5:38-42 - BE DIFFERENT  10. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES - Matthew 5:44 - CREATIVITY  11. BE PERFECT - Matthew 5:48 - SINCERITY  12. PRACTICE SECRET DISCIPLESHIP - Matthew 6:1-18 - FAITH 13. LAY UP TREASURES - Matthew 6:19-21 - THRIFTINESS  14. SEEK GOD'S KINGDOM - Matthew 6:33 - INITIATIVE  15. JUDGE NOT - Ma


If you and I claim to be the light of the world,  then let us not shine alone when in the day. We should also deeply shine even when we are all e in the darkness. Christ Jesus expect us to live as children of the Light wherever we go,  whatever we say,  everything we do. God help us to live as children of the Light in Jesus name. As children of Light what is expected of us? 1. Be mindful of the things we do both in the open and in the secret 2. Our speech and the way we conduct ourselves should be acceptable before God. 3. Should demonstrate His light to the world by loving people 4. Live as He lived,  by being humble,  loving,  simple,  praying for everyone and telling people about Him. We should let this mind of Christ be in us. Philippians 2:5-11.


Good morning and welcome to today's message.  Today's message discusses three of Jesus' post resurrection appearances before His ascension. Mark 09:20 ..................           Mary Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus when He resurrected, when she told the disciples they did not believe!           Even when the two disciples who met Jesus on their way to Emmaus reported to the other disciples they still did not believe.          Notice that Jesus had to rebuke them of their stubborn unbelief.          Still when Jesus appeared to them all even some doubted unless they touch Him before. Unbelief is a very grievous sin that can lead many people into destruction. God destroyed many Israelites in the desert because of unbelief. Do you believe in the Lord's promises about you or you believe what the world says? Yes the world may say you are poor but God says let the poor say I'm rich. ..The world may say you're sick but the Lord say


Good morning and welcome to today's message.  Today's message discusses three of Jesus' post resurrection appearances before His ascension. Mark 09:20 ..................           Mary Magdalene was the first person to see Jesus when He resurrected, when she told the disciples they did not believe!           Even when the two disciples who met Jesus on their way to Emmaus reported to the other disciples they still did not believe.          Notice that Jesus had to rebuke them of their stubborn unbelief.          Still when Jesus appeared to them all even some doubted unless they touch Him before. Unbelief is a very grievous sin that can lead many people into destruction.  God destroyed many Israelites in the desert because of unbelief.  Do you believe in the Lord's promises about you or you believe what the world says? Yes the world may say you are poor but God says let the poor say I'm rich. ..The world may say you're sick but the Lord s


            Life is full of uncertainty and risk. If you're not careful the hazards can stop you. Sometimes it happens that you're stuck, blocked and confused, not that you don't know how to make decisions.            Sometimes you don't know what to do . You're a grown-up, so you're always supposed to know what to do right? Unfortunately, that's not always the case.            If you've found yourself in a situation where you don't know what to do with your life,  there's still hope.            Here are six things to do when you don't know what to do. 1. Understand that in life, anything can happen ... life is uncertain, this means anything can happen,  friends can fail you, parents can reject you, you can fail in life and anything or anyone you trust can disappoint you..when you know this fact nothing will ever surprise you. 2. Go before God, speak to him, ask Him to show you the way through His will. prover


Good morning and peace from the Lord be with you my precious blessed friend. We thank the Lord for another beautiful day ......Let's turn our bibles to ..... 1 SAMUEL 09 ; 15 - 27 .                 Sometimes we run into something we least expect, many of the things we were not thinking it might happen to us...some of them might take us into a surprised joy and happiness but others too can us make cry or feel sad.               Can you think of anything that came to you unexpected ? Can you list at least three of them, see if you can make it up to five.               In this chapter we are seeing how Saul and his servant were searching for his father's lost asses, they tried every means by climbing hills and searching every field, they moved from town to town but to no avail.               But who would really think God was leading him to discover his destiny and purpose by having an encounter with Samuel the prophet?               In verse 21 Saul des


RESOLUTION a firm decision to do or not to do something.