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                                                            DEUTERONOMY 06 05

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

                 Staying close to Me is really all about love - My love for you and your love for Me.

                 Too many people believe their faith is all about what they do. They give Me their time, their money and their services, but they don't give Me the one thing I want most - their hearts.

                Be careful not to get yourself too busy without thinking about my goodness and seeking my face. 

                 Don't get yourself too busy no to spend time with me studying your bible, praying, worshiping me, caring about others and most importantly given Me your heart.

                What I search for in My children is an awakening souls that finds My Presence thrilling! There's abundant joy in my presence -  and it is for you. I created you to glorify Me and enjoy Me forever.

               I provide everything you need, your job is to stay close to Me. This brings glory to Me and joy for you!

Father i thank you today for your word. Forgive me given excuses not to spend quality time with You oh Lord! Please help me to be strong and put you first in my life, may i never get busy to seeking you, may i never get busy to pray, may i never get busy to care and love others in the name of Jesus Christ i pray AMEN!


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