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Good morning and peace from the Lord be with you my precious blessed friend.
We thank the Lord for another beautiful day ......Let's turn our bibles to .....

1 SAMUEL 09 ; 15 - 27.

                Sometimes we run into something we least expect, many of the things we were not thinking it might happen to us...some of them might take us into a surprised joy and happiness but others too can us make cry or feel sad.

              Can you think of anything that came to you unexpected? Can you list at least three of them, see if you can make it up to five.

              In this chapter we are seeing how Saul and his servant were searching for his father's lost asses, they tried every means by climbing hills and searching every field, they moved from town to town but to no avail.

              But who would really think God was leading him to discover his destiny and purpose by having an encounter with Samuel the prophet?

              In verse 21 Saul described himself as nobody, which means he does not have what it takes to be a deliverer and a king, but that was his destiny.

             This story encourages us as children of God that our movement through life is not random or accident, everything happens for a reason and a purpose. God can use any situation you are facing to make a possible change in your life.

            Don't cry and don't be sad when things are going bad, trust in God to guide you through and lead to a glorious end for His glory.

ROMANS 08;28


Lord Jesus i thank you for your word today, help me to stand every difficult situation i'm facing and turn it around for your glory in Jesus name...AMEN!


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