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                          MATTHEW 06 ; 33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added unto you.

                 A pastor's wife was intrigued when she heard a person say, "One hour is only 4 percent of a day". She had not thought about time in this way. Desiring more prayer time in her life, she thought surely she could give God at least 4 percent of her day. She determined to try it.


                     Therefore, rather than try to fit prayer into her schedule, she decided to fix a prayer time, and then fit the rest of the day around it. Her children are now old enough to travel to school alone, so by 8;30 each morning, a hush fell over her home. She knew her best time hour for prayer would be between 8;30 am and 9;30 am. To guarantee she was uninterrupted, she made it known in the church that, except for emergencies, she would be grateful if people didn't call her until after 9; 30
 in the morning.

                      To her surprise, no one in the church was offended. Instead they responded very positively. Several other women began to follow her example by setting aside the same hour to pray everyday!


When we seek God's plan first,
Our plans with other people will have a way of falling into place.

How many percentage of your time do you give to God within the the day,
if 1 hour is 4 percent,?

May we have more time with the Lord and we shall be blessed by Him.


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