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 Humility is the quality of being humble and means putting the needs of another person before your own, and thinking of others before yourself which means being like a servant. It also means not drawing attention to yourself, and it can mean acknowledging that you are not always right.
  "At every stage of our Christian development, and in every     sphere of our Christian discipleship, pride is our greatest        enemy and humility our greatest friend"

                 Humility plays a major role in our christian lives as children of God, which is also the hardest thing to do. Generally as the word of God says, whoever wants to be lifted must first be humble in life.  Being humble simply means the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.

Humility and submission go hand in hand.  God’s Word tells us that, as Christians, we are to submit to one another in lowliness of mind. “Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’        ” 1 Peter 5:5-6.

Are you a humble person?

Do you practice humility?

Who is a humble person?


1. Thank God often and always.

Thankfulness stops pride growing. We can thank people for things that they do and who they are, and that’s important and encouraging for them. But we’re to thank God for that person, for the way he has worked in them. Thankfulness is a sign of a believer. Whereas “ingratitude…[is] one of the distinguishing marks of non-believers”.
If you’re struggling with feeling thankful to God at this time, try and think of just one thing each day to be thankful for. It might be that you have enough food, or the weather, or something that happened at Bible study. Thank God for one thing after someone has visited you, or you have visited them. Thank God for one thing in your friend or your child, or in your spouse, your church or your local community.
In the constant act of thanksgiving, the relationship with God is nurtured. Through thanksgiving, the gracious acts are remembered and the life of a person is thereby changed.
God-centered thankfulness helps us grow in humility, as it stops pride growing.

2. Confess your sins regularly.

Confession is a reality check as it reminds us who we are. Christian confession need not be overwhelming because the cross was sufficient for all our sins and we have been completely forgiven. It is at the cross that we understand most clearly that we are sinners, but it is also at the cross that we understand most clearly that we are deeply loved.
When we confess we gain a deeper appreciation of grace and what we have been saved from. God’s forgiveness gives us peace and security, and therefore the freedom to grow in humility.
                                  "God’s forgiveness gives us peace and security, and therefore the freedom to grow in humility".

3. Be ready to accept humiliations and contradictions.

  Insults and injuries will always come,They can hurt terribly, but they help you to be humble.
Humiliations can help us become more like Jesus, who was terribly humiliated. I’m not talking here of accepting domestic abuse. Not at all. I mean that we might fail at something, or we might get demoted at work. Be ready to accept humiliations, as we can learn a lot when we’re at the bottom of the pecking order—which for many of us is out of our comfort zone.

4. Consider others before yourself.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less”. Humility is not thinking that others are more godly or kind than you, more intelligent or nicer, better at cooking or cricket than you. They may be, they may not be. Humility is when you consider other people’s interests before your own, thinking what is best for the other person and acting on that.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.
Thus we’re being humble when we think of others before ourselves. You may have a greater status than someone. You may have authority over someone. You don’t pretend you don’t have authority over them, but you think of what will benefit the people under you. What do they need? What is best for them? It doesn’t mean you don’t look after yourself. When we don’t look after ourselves we soon can’t help anyone else.

5. Listen to others.

Listening to others shows we’re willing to learn from them, that we want to learn from them, whether they’re adults or children, whatever the persons’ background, Christian or not.
The people that made the biggest impact on me when I was a child, outside of my immediate family, were an uncle and aunt. Each school holidays we use to go visit them on their farm. There were six kids in my family and ten in theirs, so there was potential for much chaos! I was a very shy child but I always loved going to their home as I felt loved and welcomed, and the reason they made me feel like that was they made a point of asking me questions and they listened to me, and that made a lasting impression on me.
                        " When we listen to others, 
               it’s a sign of us loving them."   
When we feel listened to, we feel loved. And when we listen to others, it’s a sign of us loving them and an acknowledgement that we can learn from them. And it’s also recognition that God in his sovereignty and goodness has put this person in my life.

6. Don’t worry about status.
When you’re humble, you’re not trying to be like everyone else, making people really know who you are and the position you hold or your caliber. Don’t try and elevate yourself; rather, try to elevate others. Serve others. When people are speaking at our funeral, what do we want them to say about us? About our values? Will they testify that humility characterized our life? Will they say, “She had humility, she had what mattered”?
People who are humble inspire trust and confidence from those around them, and therefore humility is key for leadership. Pride is anti-social behavior, whereas when we’re humble, it’s best for others and best for us, as it’s who we were created and redeemed to be.    You’re comfortable in your own skin, which inspires others to be comfortable in theirs.
               " When we’re humble, it’s best for others and best for us, as it’s who we were created and redeemed to be."

7.Admit when you don’t know the answer. 

Don’t try to fake your level of knowledge or skill by making up an answer when you don’t know one. Admit if you don’t know something.

8. Continue to learn as much as possible. 

Never have the attitude that you know everything there is to know. Want to improve your learning ability? Meditate. It switches your brainwave patterns from Beta to Alpha, giving you an increased ability to process, memorize and recollect large amounts of information.

9. Focus on giving, not receiving. 
When you’re truly humble, you realize that life isn’t about you. It’s about everyone else. It’s about making them feel good, appreciated and honored to be with you.
Humility is a virtue that many idolize but few practice. It doesn’t matter what others think about you, what matters is what you think. And, when you know you’re strong, talented and blessed, you don’t need to run around and tell everyone about it. It speaks for itself.
Let it speak. The world will hear it loud and clear.

10. Ask other people their opinions. 
Find out what someone else thinks about things. Let them know that you value what they have to say by spending less time giving them your take on things and more time learning theirs.



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