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                  Everyone is praying for a good partner which will lead to a good marriage and then grows into good family.

Which one is your prayer?

I read this book and thought of sharing it with everyone in the world.

101 Ways to have 100% Success in Marriage is designed to strengthen your Marriage relationship and to help to bring marriages back to Christ.

                   Pray together  daily.

                                      Wisdom to stand on: 

                        James 5:16
               Confess your sins to each other and pray for                           each other so that you may be healed.                                     The earnest prayer of a righteous person has                              great power and wonderful results.

          Read the Holy Bible together Daily

                                          Wisdom to stand on:

                                     Matthew 4:4
               But Jesus told him, "No! The Scriptures say, 'People need                   more than bread for their life; they must feed on every                                         word of God.' " 
             Attend Church Together Weekly

                                                   Wisdom to stand on:

                                 Romans 10:14 
             But how can they call on him to save them unless they                         believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they                         have never heard about him? And how can they hear                                about him unless someone tells them?

                  Go to a marriage seminar together                             to invest in the success of your                                   marriage once a year

                        Wisdom to stand on:  

                                                             Hebrews 13:4
       Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one                           another in marriage. God will surely judge people who                              are immoral and those who commit adultery. 
           Read books on marriage to increase your wisdom and understanding of growing a                                 successful marriage 

                       Wisdom to stand on:

                             Proverbs 19:8
                     To acquire wisdom is to love oneself;                                  people who cherish understanding                                    will prosper.

         Seek counsel from a qualified Christian counselor when having issues that need the                            wisdom of a third party

                           Wisdom to stand on: 

                                                               Proverbs 24:6 
        So don't go to war without wise guidance;                 victory depends on having many                                                    counselors.

                                Plan a date night once a week
                          Wisdom to stand on:

                                                          Proverbs 5:18 
                    Let your wife be a fountain of                                blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of                                   your youth.

       Husbands need to pray for vision and                         wisdom from God for his family 

                                            Wisdom to stand on: 

                                                                  Habakkuk 2:2 
                And the LORD answered me, and said,                           Write the vision, and make it plain                                    upon tables……

              Wives need to support the vision that                       her Husband receives from God 

                            Wisdom to stand on: 

                                 Habakkuk 2:2 
               And the LORD answered me, and said,               Write the vision, and make it plain upon                     tables, that he may run that readeth it.

                   Memorize and Declare scripture                                                together 

                              Wisdom to stand on: 

                                   Psalm 1:2 
             But they delight in doing everything the                    LORD wants; day and night they think                                       about his law.

          Get a Financial planner to help you both                     manage and invest your money
                               Wisdom  to stand on: 

                                Proverbs 27:23-24 
            Be sure you know the condition of your                     flocks, give careful attention to your                herds;for riches do not endure forever, and a                      crown is not secure for all                                                         generations.

               Use a money management system to                               allocate and save money 

                             Wisdom to stand on: 

                              Matthew 25:16-18 
               The man who had received the five                 talents went at once and put his money to             work and gained five more. So also, the one           with the two talents gained two more. But the         man who had received the one talent went off,       dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's                                           money.

             Do the finances together even if one of              you may be better at it than the other so
             both of you know exactly what is going                                              on 

                            Wisdom to stand on: 

                                        Amos 3:3 
                Can two people walk together without                                agreeing on the direction?

               Keep commitments to one another:                         Do  what you say when you say you                                     going to do it. 

                                Wisdom to stand on: 

                                    Proverbs 11:3 
                   Good people are guided by their                              honesty; treacherous people are 
                    destroyed by their dishonesty. 

              Go out to dinner with a couple who 
                   has been happily married 3 times                   longer than you have once a quarter 

                             Wisdom to stand on: 

                                  Proverbs 13:20 
               Whoever walks with the wise will                         become wise; whoever walks with fools                                      will suffer harm.

                  Visit each others family together 

                             Wisdom to stand on: 

                              Exodus 20:12 
                "Honor your father and mother. Then                    you will live a long, full life in the land                        the LORD your God will give you.

      Rotate holidays with each others family

                       Wisdom to stand on:

                         Ephesians 5:21 
        And further, you will submit to one another                   out of reverence for Christ.

              Resource to apply Wisdom:
           Be fair to one another and make sure you               show both sides of the family love.

           Give the spouse top priority over any                other person or thing on earth even the                                      kids

                                           Wisdom to stand on: 

                                                 Hebrews 13:4
       Give honor to marriage, and remain                     faithful to one another in marriage. God will           surely judge people who are immoral and those                   who commit adultery. 

        Go on a mini vacation get away from the           crowd (weekend in town or out of town             and pray together seeking the face of the                                     Lord)

                                     Wisdom to stand on:

                                                      Mark 7:17 
Then Jesus went into a house to get away from the crowds… 

               Resource to apply Wisdom: 
          Getting Away to get it Together 
                     Bill and Carolyn Wellons

         Send love notes messages or emails to one                                another 

                                     Wisdom to stand on:

                                    Song of Solomon 4:10
       How sweet is your love, my treasure, my             bride! How much better it is than wine! Your          perfume is more fragrant than the richest of                                 spices.

       Make a sacrifice to help meet the needs of                  someone else‘s family together 

                                        Wisdom to stand on:

                                                           Acts 2:45
     They sold their possessions and shared the                        proceeds with those in need.

         Both of you must have time for the kids,          train them together and teach them good                           things together

                                     Wisdom to stand on:

                                                Proverbs 22:6
        Teach your children to choose the right path,       and when they are older, they will remain upon it.



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